Despite Buffy the Vampire Slayer‘s finale airing back in May of 2003, Joss Whedon’s supernatural series has remained a popular and vital part of the pop culture landscape. Actor David Boreanaz famously played Angel in the first three season before getting his own spinoff, and he revealed the story behind getting the gig… and how Italian food was involved.

Sarah Michelle Gellar‘s popular series (which is streaming with a Hulu subscription) is widely considered one of the best supernatural teen dramas in history, and Boreanaz is an especially memorable Buffy actor. While speaking with People about Angel‘s run on TV, he spoke about first landing the vampiric role. As he put it:

I got cast as the character Angel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer through [casting director] Marcia Shulman. My first meeting with her was an hour and 30 minutes. We mainly talked about Italian restaurants in New York. Then she was like, ‘Well, should we read [for the role]?’

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